EVC ElectronicUCM100

Due to numerous requests, a tool was created with the UCM100, which initially can only read and display the PIDs according to SAE J1979 via OBD-II. According to the specification there are different services of which are particularly interesting:
- Current data display
- Display of stored errors
- Display of current error
- Clear query error memory
- Query vehicle information such as CVN
These services can be queried from the vehicle via K-line or CAN interface and displayed in the WinUCM tool. In addition, interesting values of the current data display can be selected and stored in a log file. This log file can be used as a live display in WinOLS to deliver the current values, e.g.: for load and speed, and can be displayed as a moving crosshair in maps. This way it can help a producer of tuning files to detect unusual operating states and to correct problems in tuning files.