Alientech news update: Upgrade 1.0.4

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We dedicate this software update to the brand-new ZForce 1000 Sport just released on the market. The latest ATV able to deal with every field, even the most inaccessible or hostile ones, with an unrivalled drive and boost. Lighter chassis, improved suspension compared to the previous model, make it an ideal companion for work and fun. For these reasons, we are talking about a rather common vehicles that many are choosing to buy and remap!
Bosch MED17.10.8
Read and write in OBD
UForce | 600 | Petrol | 30 | 40 Kw |
UForce | 1000 | Petrol | 59 | 79 Kw |
ZForce 1000 | 1000 Sport | Petrol | 59 | 79 Kw |
The brand-new ZForce 1000 Sport owns a 1000 4-stroke twin-cylinder enginr, controlled by the ECU Bosch MED17.8.10. Thanks to the KESS3 protocol, you can read and write in OBD, arriving at the end of the reprogramming safely. Would you like to increase the performances? With KESS3 and ECM Titanium you can do it!
Remap the new UForce 1000 2021 with ECM Titanium!
Work on engine parameters thanks to ECM Titanium.
Engine – More than two decades of liquid-cooled power technology from CFMOTO stand behind the 962.6cc V-twin engine of the ZFORCE 1000 Sport. The electronically fuel-injected 8-valve, DOHC powerplant churns out 57.5 kw (77 horsepower), with 0-50m acceleration in only four seconds.
ATV vehicles must run in every condition and terrain. You will need the right amount of torque and power if you want to run on the hardest trails!
By ECM Titanium you’ll be able to work on the engine parameters in order to achieve the best possible result. Tune the injection maps and spark advance to obtain the right AFR and increase torque, power and engine responsiveness.
Get the best out from your tunes!